It was wet, warm and slimy; he swam around with great cheer. This had been his home for eleven months now. The commotion that had been going on for the past two weeks are more persistent this day. “I wonder what that this means” he thought to himself. A strange force kept pulling him down and the noise from outside was getting louder. There was hullabaloo in and out. “Nothing is going to move me from my home, nothing!” he said to himself. The room had a touch of class previously ascribed to private hospitals. The walls were beautifully designed with a gentle assurance to claim even the greatest fears and the room was spotless. Not a cobweb in sight. The new government had been true to their promises. There was transformation in many sectors; the air-conditioning was silently saying it got to the hospitals as well. There were tears in her eyes. She had been in there for four hours. The nurses kept telling them it wasn’t time. The initial composure and confidence had g...
...inspirations for living victoriously.