All eyes were glued on the flowing gown. Or so it seemed. Its colour: a matchless white with patches gold coloured wool perfectly woven into the Italian lace material. It was floor length and had a slit on the left reaching just above her knees. It was made by the renowned Jigger Bridals. The joy in the auditorium can only be compared with that of heaven, when a sinner comes home. The singing was electric. Every one joined in the singing making a synchronised chorus. Orchard was twenty four. She had graduated top of her class at twenty and is currently the team leader of the Advertising department of Etim International, Africa’s largest cocoa conglomerate. Some found it hard to believe that Orchard was getting married this early but Orchard had always been in time. Her life was perfect. She was beautiful, smart, rich and was about to marry. A joy to behold. The priest asked the groom to raise the veil, he did. “Marriage is an institution ordained by God…” the priest ...
...inspirations for living victoriously.