He didn’t look the least bit sick. He sat on the narrow bed with his back firmly positioned on the slanted rest. His beards were cleanly shaved as it had been every day for the past forty years. He had shaved at 6:00am as he had always done. He was clothed in one of the white robes that he was famous for. His smile was wide concealing his brown teeth. It hides his truth nature, deceptive and concealing. He looked normal; the only thing out of place was the location – Lion Specialist Hospital. He had had regular checkups here since his retirement from active duty. Now he is eighty-three and looking younger than his first son. Baba, as he was fondly called, looked at his children’s faces and smiled. “I am glad that all of you could make it.” It was an awkward moment for all. They hadn’t been in the same room since their mother’s death fifteen years ago. They never visited, never called and never spoke to him. The horrors of her death were best left in the past. They knew he led a dan...
...inspirations for living victoriously.