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Showing posts from June, 2016

3 Reasons Why You Need Jesus

1. There is an afterlife. Even people that do not believe in God have an unspoken assurance within them that there is an afterlife. In the afterlife there are two destinations, good (heaven) and bad (hell). Jesus is the ONLY way to the good part. 2. There is  war in this life. Everyone is at war! War within, war without, war amongst, war everywhere. The enemy (devil) that we wrestle knows he has limited time to wreck his havoc. Our enemy is relentless and brutal, he has no respect for positions and titles, he works wickedness everyday. The only name he fears is JESUS, you need Jesus to win every war, have rest, peace and lasting victory. 3. Spiritual Fulfilment. Human beings are mere branches to the Tree (God). No matter how hard we try to satisfy ourselves with other things, there is a deep ache in our hearts if we don't have a relationship with God. Jesus is the only fulfilling link to the Father. Jesus is our spiritual lifeblood. If we are ever going shed the spi...

My Neighbour's Righteousness

It is foolishness to weigh your eternal destination based on another man's righteousness. Many times we subconsciously look at another person and say "At least I am better than Mr so so..." On the last day the other man's righteousness will not matter to you because every man will be left to stand alone. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." - 2 Corinthians 5:10

Will You Retaliate?

"... but whosoever shall smite you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." - Matthew 5:39 Ever wondered why the words of Jesus are written in red? I reckon it's so that we can pay close attention. The words of Jesus I have noticed are never easy to swallow. I mean how can someone slap me and I will turn the other cheek? Some scholars have said He was not speaking literally. But when Jesus spoke these words He wasn't speaking in parables He was clear. A Christian is not expected to raise a hand of retaliation. Christ Jesus our leader though a Lion went sheepishly to the slaughter like a lamb. It is IMPOSSIBLE to obey the instructions of Jesus without being full of the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine what will happen if a man suddenly slaps a so called Christian who is 50% Holy Ghost full? Surely he would resoundingly respond. I have looked at this scripture and have asked myself will I retaliate? Look at it also, "... but whosoever shall smite y...

Mistaken Identity

Nothing hurts more than when people take you to be something negative which you are not. If not handled properly it can dry the oil of motivation. Joseph had a DREAM but his brothers mistook him for a DREAMER. They said to one another, "...Behold, this dreamer cometh." (Genesis 37:19) Having a dream is NOT the same as being a dreamer. A dream is an appointment with destiny. A person who has a dream has an appointment that must be fulfilled. A dreamer is a person whose ideas and plans are not practical or based in reality. A dreamer is a joker. He talks about things he has no passion nor commitment to carry out. Joseph's brothers thought he was a dreamer. They were blinded by envy and driven by rage. They mistook their saviour for a serpent and tried to kill him, but God delivered Joseph out of their hands. Don't expect people to accept your dreams, They will call you a dreamer and it will hurt your feelings. They will try to bury your dreams but God will...

No Envy

Human nature always wants to have what others have. A person that is envious is given to and controlled by the urge to possess what others have. If such a person has a wife, he begins to wish his wife was like other women regardless of how lovely she is. What envy does: 1. Envy makes blind. An envious person can not see any good about what he has or who he is. He is blind to his good and wide awake to his faults. 2. Envy initiates negative thinking. An envious person is plagued by bad thoughts particularly towards the person envied. An envious person often unconsciously anticipate bad news for others. 3. Envy provokes violent acts. It can lead to a person physically assaulting another. When a person seeks constantly  to pick a quarrel with you without a cause, it is a strong indication of envy. 4. Envy leads to frustration. Eventually when an envious person cannot meet up to the standard he pursues he becomes permanently depressed. It is even more heart wrenching ...

PASSWORD To God's Heart.

God is our Father and as reasonable children we ought to seek to be in His presence and good books. How can we continually live in harmony with God? Praise:   Is the  expression one's respect and gratitude toward God. God does not joke with praise. He will not share his glory with anyone. If we are to continue to please Him, we must continue to praise Him. When you praise God, do it with all your heart. Give all the glory to God in praises. Adoration : Is the expression of love or admiration towards God. Adoration is a deep feeling of love, you just love Him regardless of whether what you are passing through is favourable or not.  Singing:   There is no doubt that God loves music. Can you image what gathering of believers would be like if we didn't sing? If we are truly desirous of the presence of God, a rich blend of spiritual songs must never be far from our lips. Service: G od is interested in what you can do for Him. It is falsehood to say we can ...

Salvation: What More Can We Ask For?

The soul that sinneth, it shall die.." - Ezekiel 18:20 God has already said what His standard of righteousness is, and almost all men, if not all men, are now aware of God's gracious redemptive package available only the LORD Jesus. God has already given His best to mankind, there is nothing more to give for the salvation of men. In John 3:16, we see that "God so loved the world, that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have e verlasting life." He has already given Himself for us, what more can we demand of Him? The beauty of the price Jesus paid is in the fact that He did not go to the cross to condemn sinners, rather His motive is to save all provided they believe on Him (John 3:17). All He is asking of us is to believe Him. Why do people believe men who have failed them and will still fail them than to believe their maker who has never failed and will never fail them. Sinners will die, belie...

Look-ery, Speak-ery and Touch-ery

‪ You are not likely to get dictionary meaning for them but they are words to be conscious of. LOOK-ERY means to direct your eyes to a particular object or person in other to feed lustful desires. Job was very aware of the dangers of this, he made sure not take chances. He said "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman." (Job 31:1) SPEAK-ERY is to say carefully crafted words that convey a lustful desire. In my first year in the university I saw this in its finest form for the first time, those boys who were in higher levels turned 100 level classes to hunting ground for lustful ambitions. Many were swept away by empty smooth talk. TOUCH-ERY is to deliberately and lustfully make physical contact with someone or something. Preachers that encourage young boys and girls not to so much as hug each other have been termed 'old school' and are going extinct, and the results are clearly visible. For Clarity, LUST is defi...

The Boost your Business Needs

The word of God discourages lazyness and promotes hard work. It says the man that will not work should not eat. Our Father is committed to giving us our daily bread. This He does through the work of our hands. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says "Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.." Jesus is interested in your business because He wants to bless it. Is your business sickly and weakly, call on Jesus today? It wasn't a coincidence that Jesus asked to use Peter's boat after he and his friends had toiled all night and caught nothing. Jesus knew and decided to bless them. Be encouraged today to work your business with renewed hope that Jesus is in your boat and all will be well. When you have done all that you should do like Peter did and the results are not forthcoming, you need the supernatural boost to get results. Listen carefully to what Jesus has to say and do it, even if He says you should cast your net in shallow waters.

Love of this Present World

Why is it that Christians cannot seem to please the world? Everything we do is met by the world's distatste. It's simple, the world loves its own and promotes it. Christian ideals are fast losing popularity in the world, in fact before what you are doing as a Christian can get substantial recognition it must have passed through fire from all quarters. That is why as Christians we should stand firm. Christianity is not of the world, it is from above, and cannot be promoted by the world. When Christians begin to seek approval from the world, destruction becomes imminent. Our testimony is to do the will of the Father not the will of our friends. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing, He did not need the approval of men and didn't seek to please them. Why then should we as faithfuls to the faith not follow our Leader faithfully. In our walk with God and work for Him we must be weary of the dangers of loving the world. Popularity and wealth should never be our motive for ...