Some years ago it was unthinkable for a girl in secondary school to introduce her boyfriend to her parents BUT today we know better. Times have changed for the better. Life is different: questions can be asked and morality can be challenged. Today in more advanced countries same-sex marriages have no schism with correct morals. Cultures change with time, morals follow suit BUT God's standards remain the same. People want to know what is right or wrong; but can we ever? With this changing moral stands? DON'T ASK YOUR PASTOR if it is right to hug yourselves in courtship; Don't ask your pastor if it right to pay your tithe; Don't ask your pastor if it is right to wear a tattoo... ... Your pastor's response will be based on his perception, cultural reality and denomination he represents. The question of right or wrong must however be answered correctly if we must get to heaven. Heaven is for the righteous and it means a RIGHT standing in Christ. Is Chris...
...inspirations for living victoriously.