HEAVEN PAID! Heaven was quiet. This had never happened, there was always noise. Music, loud music, was always heard. The choir of heaven never tired of singing on loud instruments the majesty of Him that sat on the throne. Heaven was quiet not because of lack of music, there was singing but it was that of sobriety. I am certain angels don't cry but I could have sworn I saw water escaping some eye sockets. All interlocked their trembling hands looking unto Him that sat on the Throne while stealing long glances at the severely beaten Lamp on the cross. It was enough that this happened, was the Father not going to intervene? When was the instruction to move to deliver going to be issued? If this Beloved Son were to die this shameful death on the cross, what would be the world's hope? This couldn't happen. Some looked to Michael and Gabriel with that look that said let's plead to the Father. No one saw the Father's face but they knew that He was in control. But ...
...inspirations for living victoriously.