I have discovered that people who do this, do it not out of love for the work of God but for personal gain (publicity) and to weaken the faith of others. They aren't doing and don't want others to do. My father in the Lord, Pastor E.A. Adeboye said many years ago he wanted to organize a crusade and one of the church elders got angry and vehemently opposed it. The then G.O Pa Akindayomi asked Pastor Adeboye to go and beg the man. He thought why should I beg him for doing something that will expand the kingdom but he obeyed. A short while later, that same leader said he was going to hell and was looking for people to take along. Christian leadership is not a bed of roses. My first experience in Christian leadership was in the University. We did a lot of things back then, some not so wise. In those days we were so overwhelmed with burden that we prayed and fasted continually. Did we make mistakes, certainly. Were we called? Most assuredly. Were souls saved? Yes. Were men rai...
...inspirations for living victoriously.