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If we must boast, let us boast of the mercies of the LORD. Two students attend lectures and put in the same level of preparation; one scores an “A” and the other a “C”. Many explanations can be available, but when we hold all other things constant, mercy is the difference between men. I have written an exam before where I prepared diligently but got into the exam hall and misinterpreted the questions, writing the exact opposite of what was expected. After the exam, I had only one prayer: God, have mercy! In Acts 13, Paul and some other prophets separated themselves to fast and pray. Mercy spoke, and Paul and Barnabas were called into a special assignment. Were they better or more diligent than the others who were not called into that particular assignment? I don’t think so. Apostle Paul later told us that everything he did was a result of the grace of God. God’s mercy and grace are what enable us to achieve any kind of result in life. Let’s be careful how we think. Let’s be careful how...
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Recently, I had to make a lot of cash lodgments at the bank, and I proceeded to arrange and count the notes. I counted the various currency notes like three times and sorted them accordingly. When I got to the bank, the teller went to work, and I wasn’t surprised that the count was perfectly correct. The confidence was because I had double-checked the notes; the margin for error was very slim. In our Christian walk, we mustn’t be overly bold about our right standing in Christ if we haven’t examined ourselves again and again. 2 Cor. 13:5b says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves…” Test yourself! Are you standing, or are you just thinking that you are standing? When I counted the money the first time, I could have stopped, but I needed the certainty. I know that I am born again, but I need to examine my heart: is there something hidden there that shouldn’t be there? Once, I was speaking to a group of people, and the manner of my speech wasn’t in confo...


Happy New Year! Welcome to a Landmark Year. By prophecy, by decree, and by the WORD OF GOD, this year is a landmark year. Get set to have landmark encounters with the LORD. There shall be landmark testimonies in our walk with the LORD and in the results that will show forth in our lives as a result of Christ in us. The promise of God is to reveal His mysteries to the world through us. We are engraced to carry hope, salvation, strength, and glory to the world. Colossians 1:27 says, " To them God willed to make known what are  the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles:  which is  Christ in you,  the hope of glory." This year, Christ will be revealed in us and shine to all the world.


GOD KNOWS YOUR FUTURE, But it's more than that; God determines your future. I saw the story of a man of wealth in the papers. There was an image of a fuel attendant on one side and that of a man smiling in affluence on the other. The man had risen from being a fuel attendant to owner of a viable oil company. I checked and I discovered his testimony wasn't peculiar, there are many more similar breakthroughs. Let us not make the mistake that some made in putting their experience, knowledge and exposure before the word of God. Years ago there was a famine in the city of Samaria (so tough that people began to exchange their children as food) and all policies failed. There was a total shutdown. The word of the Lord came one day that the famine would end the very next day and there would be surplus. It sounded incredulous and a high ranking officer said "even if God opened windows in heaven it wouldn't be." That was the end of him. God's word was fulfilled...


I have discovered that people who do this, do it not out of love for the work of God but for personal gain (publicity) and to weaken the faith of others. They aren't doing and don't want others to do. My father in the Lord, Pastor E.A. Adeboye said many years ago he wanted to organize a crusade and one of the church elders got angry and vehemently opposed it. The then G.O Pa Akindayomi asked Pastor Adeboye to go and beg the man. He thought why should I beg him for doing something that will expand the kingdom but he obeyed. A short while later, that same leader said he was going to hell and was looking for people to take along. Christian leadership is not a bed of roses. My first experience in Christian leadership was in the University. We did a lot of things back then, some not so wise. In those days we were so overwhelmed with burden that we prayed and fasted continually. Did we make mistakes, certainly. Were we called? Most assuredly. Were souls saved? Yes. Were men rai...

Friendship is a Choice we have to Make.

Our associations will either make us or mar us. This is crucial because no man can exist in isolation. Everyone of us must work with people. Can you explain the fact that when a man hangs around intelligent people he tends to make intelligent decisions? The same is also true of those who hang around scalawags, such often make unwise decisions. With this knowledge at our disposal we must thus deliberately build the correct kind of relationships and do everything we can to sustain them. If you have unwittingly damaged a profitable relationship, you must swallow whatever pride hinders you and make good the wrong. I read this truth a long time ago: YOUR NETWORK IS EQUAL TO YOUR NETWORTH. You can't earn above the quality of your network. If you want to live in a particular manner, identify people who are living it already, understudy them, follow their principles and begin to walk with them if possible. © Seun Adebowale
GOD CANNOT BE STRANDED! Make a big deal of whatever you have been called to do in the Lord's vineyard. Do the work with all your strength but don't ever be guilty of making 'yanga' before your Maker. As human beings we will be tempted to place much emphasis on ourselves as we grow in service especially when what we do is considered by many significant. We must do all to keep our focus on Him who has called us and determine to stay humble in Him. As ministers of the gospel, sometimes the work may be overwhelming but we mustn't think ourselves greater or more relevant than we ought. Elijah at some point thought he alone was God's option but God had 7,000 men waiting who could have taken his place. The question now is, if God had 7,000 then how many does He have today to replace one man who is tired? Elijah probably might have thought there could be no greater prophet than him but God had someone who was two times greater. Are you thinking that you are Go...