In the beginning when God created man He blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28). There is therefore no doubt that God is pleased when His children procreate within the confines of godly marriage. God is fully in support of bearing children because He commanded it from the beginning. ... But how many children should we have? Is it right to seek to control the rate at which we conceive since children are a gift from God? There is no known record in the Holy Bible stating or implying that birth control is wrong for consenting couples. However, there is a general agreement that abortion is murder and is a sin. Thus when a woman gets pregnant the Christian thing to do is to birth life. The Bible tells us that wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7), thus believers should be guided when making decisions. It is not wise to get pregnant without thinking through. Using birth control methods in a Christian home is not a sin! A...
...inspirations for living victoriously.