It is not a sin to change church provided you are still in Christ. In fact you will likely fall into sin if you are worshipping in the wrong church. Consider these things: 1. Lack of spiritual growth and drive. When your spirit man is not been fed in word and worship, you need to move before you starve. If you are living in sin and sitting comfortably in church, you need a new church. If you are not challenged to conquer more land for Christ, you need to move on with haste. 2. Lack of opportunity to work. Church attendance is good but it is elementary in the plan of God. God is looking for labourers not bench warmers. If you cannot seem to find grace to be attively involved in the work of the ministry, then you need to move. There are no credits for idleness, everyman must get involved. 3. Lack of restraint from church politics. There are some people whose tables are the center of church affairs. Such people know everything about everything and everyone; in fact every dis...
...inspirations for living victoriously.