A testimony is a statement of proof or evidence that something actually happened.
Testimonies show the facts of the matter at hand, they reveal the truth of the whole matter as told by someone who has first hand experience of what happened and how it happened.
Why do we share testimonies?
1. It is an expression of gratitude.
Testimonies show your acknowledgement of God's kindness. It shows that you value what the Lord has done. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus healed ten leppers but only one returned with testimony. The others were ungrateful. When you hide what God has done, you are an ingrate!
2. Sharing testimonies is the number one assignment of disciples.
"For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." - Acts 4:20. The only way people will get saved from the destruction that is coming is if someone testified of the Saviour to them. We never would have been saved if the early apostles had kept quiet; your neighbours, friends, loved ones etc may never get saved if you don't testify of the gospel which you have received. Not testifying is disobedience, and a sin!
3. It builds our faith.
In Acts 3, Peter and John healed the crippled man at the beautiful gate, subsequently souls were saved and they were arrested (and threatened) by the religious leaders. But when they were released they went back to their own company and testified. The result was glorious, even the faint hearted received boldness to do more for Christ. It is wickedness to keep the testimony of the victory God has given you, because somebody needs to hear that testimony to be delivered as well!
4. Testimonies weakens the enemy.
While it strengthens our faith, it destroys the enemy. In Joshua 2, Rahab the harlot told the spies the warriors of Jericho were terribly afraid and faint hearted because of the testimonies they had heard of the God of Israel. The devil cannot withstand testimonies because they are empowered to remind him of his failures and impending failures. The reason some are yet to experience another victory is because they still haven't uncovered the last one.
From today start sharing testimonies, don't let these hold you down:
1. Ingratitude: Some people find it difficult to humble themselves before God in gratitude even after He has done something remarkably great for them. They feel like God owes them a duty of care, this shouldn't be. Ingratitude is centered in the heart of a foolish man;
2. Ignorance: Some people genuinely do not know they ought to testify. Friend, testimonies are paramount in the heart of God. It is so important that God became man to testify of His love for mankind. Stop hindering your miracles by not testifying.
3. Pride: Some refuse to testify to hide shame that God has delivered them from. For example, if the Lord cures a person of HIV/AIDS such a person may feel that if he testifies the people who never knew he had that condition would know. That's the devil's trick. The truth is that your healing is on probation until you testify! Testimony makes you whole!
Do you have a testimony? Go ahead and share it!
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