Personality is simply individual differences. It is our personality that makes human interactions interesting. We cannot expect all men to behave and reason alike. But we all demand good relations from our acquaintances. Jesus said "Be perfect." This is an instruction not a suggestion. Our personality ought to be perfect though different. A lot of people seek to free themselves of the consequences of bad behaviour by clinging to the personality line. They say "I am sorry but it is who I am." It is high time we stopped accepting such excuses because you can change who you are. You can work on your personality. Your personality is not a sentence to a rigid life, your personality can be moulded to produce a better you. The MOST important step that anyone can take in obtaining a perfect personality is to submit to God. God has a perfect personality and He is willing to replicate His nature in anyone who desires His life. The evidence of an encounter with God i...
...inspirations for living victoriously.