Our associations will either make us or mar us. This is crucial because no man can exist in isolation. Everyone of us must work with people. Can you explain the fact that when a man hangs around intelligent people he tends to make intelligent decisions? The same is also true of those who hang around scalawags, such often make unwise decisions. With this knowledge at our disposal we must thus deliberately build the correct kind of relationships and do everything we can to sustain them. If you have unwittingly damaged a profitable relationship, you must swallow whatever pride hinders you and make good the wrong. I read this truth a long time ago: YOUR NETWORK IS EQUAL TO YOUR NETWORTH. You can't earn above the quality of your network. If you want to live in a particular manner, identify people who are living it already, understudy them, follow their principles and begin to walk with them if possible. © Seun Adebowale
...inspirations for living victoriously.