The appointed time is synonymous with answers, joy and
testimony. When the appointed time comes nothing else matters, all that
you see and experience is the release of joy and pride of victory.
Yesterday we noted that God never delays. Our God is not
the architect of delay. He doesn't want any of His children to groan in
pain of unanswered prayers. BUT THERE IS AN APPOINTED TIME...
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" God is meticulous in His
dealings He has made provision for seedtime and harvest, and these shall
not fail (Genesis 8:22).
The appointed time (the day of harvest) is ALWAYS HERALDED by a desperate cry for help.
When a person realizes that his time ought to have come and
it hasn't then it is time to act. A woman carries a baby patiently for 9
months but by the 12th month (if the baby has not been born) it becomes
clear that something needs to be done.
When you know your time should have come and it hasn't, IT IS TIME TO CRY OUT!
A cry is a desperate appeal to the Divine to act speedly to intervene the course of one's life.
At the appointed time God hears. The Israelites in Egypt
lived in hardship under Pharoah and his men, even their children were
being killed. But God didn't nothing until they cried out.
Exodus 2:24 tells us "... God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob."
Anything you accept as the will of God maintains the same
course. Until you CRY OUT for your appointed time it might remain in the
A cry is not a casual nor routine prayer. It is a PURPOSED DEMAND on heaven to hear and cause a change.
When you raise a sincere cry to heaven He makes a direct call to your spirit to supply you the key to your appointed time.
You need to cry out to claim your answer.
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