But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9
Have you been disappointed for the umpteenth time? Perhaps you are fed up of the struggles of daily living and ready to quit?
Cheer up! Help is on the way.
There are times that life throws one into a dark tunnel and there is no hope of seeing light. It is at such times that one is tempted to give up on life, one's self and God.
But it is also the time to prove that one is not a failure. Trials and challenges of life are to make us stronger, they aren't designed to kill us.
The fact that you cannot see the light doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. If you are in a deep tunnel right now I challenge you to find the light because it is there.
Today might be dim and tomorrow may look bleak but don't give up, your tomorrow will be alright.
The sweetest part of life is tomorrow. This is because tomorrow is almost entirely in your hands. Tomorrow is what you call it to be, tomorrow is what you see it to be, and tomorrow is what you make it to be.
I see a bright tomorrow so I am speaking of a great tomorrow and this is making me to work hard for an excellent tomorrow.
I invite you to create a remarkable tomorrow and to pray with me:
"Father thank you for Your good plans for me. I ask you to please make my steps right today so that I can enjoy the beautiful tomorrow You have prepared for me. Wipe away my tears and let me sing a new song. Thank you LORD in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen."
Have you been disappointed for the umpteenth time? Perhaps you are fed up of the struggles of daily living and ready to quit?
Cheer up! Help is on the way.
There are times that life throws one into a dark tunnel and there is no hope of seeing light. It is at such times that one is tempted to give up on life, one's self and God.
But it is also the time to prove that one is not a failure. Trials and challenges of life are to make us stronger, they aren't designed to kill us.
The fact that you cannot see the light doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. If you are in a deep tunnel right now I challenge you to find the light because it is there.
Today might be dim and tomorrow may look bleak but don't give up, your tomorrow will be alright.
The sweetest part of life is tomorrow. This is because tomorrow is almost entirely in your hands. Tomorrow is what you call it to be, tomorrow is what you see it to be, and tomorrow is what you make it to be.
I see a bright tomorrow so I am speaking of a great tomorrow and this is making me to work hard for an excellent tomorrow.
I invite you to create a remarkable tomorrow and to pray with me:
"Father thank you for Your good plans for me. I ask you to please make my steps right today so that I can enjoy the beautiful tomorrow You have prepared for me. Wipe away my tears and let me sing a new song. Thank you LORD in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen."
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