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Showing posts from 2016

Should Christians engage in birth control? Is it sinful?

In the beginning when God created man He blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28). There is therefore no doubt that God is pleased when His children procreate within the confines of godly marriage. God is fully in support of bearing children because He commanded it from the beginning. ... But how many children should we have? Is it right to seek to control the rate at which we conceive since children are a gift from God? There is no known record in the Holy Bible stating or implying that birth control is wrong for consenting couples. However, there is a general agreement that abortion is murder and is a sin. Thus when a woman gets pregnant the Christian thing to do is to birth life. The Bible tells us that wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7), thus believers should be guided when making decisions. It is not wise to get pregnant without thinking through. Using birth control methods in a Christian home is not a sin! A...

Black Friday

HEAVEN PAID! Heaven was quiet. This had never happened, there was always noise. Music, loud music, was always heard. The choir of heaven never tired of singing on loud instruments the majesty of Him that sat on the throne. Heaven was quiet not because of lack of music, there was singing but it was that of sobriety. I am certain angels don't cry but I could have sworn I saw water escaping some eye sockets. All interlocked their trembling hands looking unto Him that sat on the Throne while stealing long glances at the severely beaten Lamp on the cross. It was enough that this happened, was the Father not going to intervene? When was the instruction to move to deliver going to be issued? If this Beloved Son were to die this shameful death on the cross, what would be the world's hope? This couldn't happen. Some looked to Michael and Gabriel with that look that said let's plead to the Father. No one saw the Father's face but they knew that He was in control. But ...

The Blessing of a Mother

The most powerful member of a family is the father but the most influential is the mother; and influence dictates power. Some have said if the man is the head then the woman is the neck, and if the neck is gone there can be no head. You shouldn't not offend your father because of the final blessings he will pronounce but you should not offend your mother to qualify for that blessing. Don't joke with your parents especially your mother. Her support will determine what you get or don't get in blessings. Some people after little success despise the words and affection of their mother, such should remember the day of blessing. Isaac was no doubt a father of faith and friend of God. He was a carrier of covenant that must be transfered to his son. He wanted Esau, his wife chose Jacob. Jacob got it. The blessing of the father is powerful but the will power of the mother dictates the direction. Believe it or not, the mother's blessing is the determinant of the father...

Let's Not Eat Ourselves

I am surprised many Christians are still downplaying the faith of other Christians particularly those who don't belong to their denominations. This is not right. Denomination is not a criteria to get to heaven. We must realise that we are incomplete without one another; there are diversities of ministries but the same God that profits in us. We need each other. If any of the brethren has derailed, let us restore them to the Lord in love not taking pride in the fall of a fellow believer. Some speak of the faults of others in self righteousness; this is wrong. An injury to one is an injury to all. We shouldn't rejoice in downfall of others rather we should tremble before God and pray His mercy that they be restored, and that we stand till the end. The church is a body not a denomination. Let's not eat one another!

5 Easy Steps to Handle Rejection

It is not everything that you ask for that you get. If we all got everything we asked for, life would be chaotic. Imagine if everything you ever asked for were granted, no doubt the result would be less than appealing. But then there are some things that are pertinent to your destiny that you might not have been able to acquire. You might have knocked on those doors only to be welcomed by a big, bold, smiling NO. If that is the case, don't give up! Rejection is not failure. Don't let rejection put your back on the ground. The fact that you met with rejection in one endeavour does not mean you should quit. In fact sometimes rejection is proof that what you are doing is worthwhile. If you are doing something too big for others to handle they will reject you. If men reject you don't reject your dreams. These five simple points will help you to handle rejection victoriously. 1. Don't blame yourself . Most times the first thing after a rejection ...

Tend Your Own Vineyard

"Look upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept." - SOS 1:6 THE THREE VINEYARDS OF A MAN 1. Christian Life and Calling Jesus told us of mansions in heaven and I want to live in them, I know you do too. The question is how are we preparing for that glorious house, how are we tending to the vineyard that will produce the spiritual fruit of eternal life? There is no doubt that when we close our eyes in death here on earth we will open it in eternity. But the eternity we will awake to will be determined by how we keep our vineyard here. There so many variations of Christian living today that we are at a loss as to who a Christian really is but God is not confused, He knows those who are His. Are you representing Christ well? Are you fulfilling your calling? 2. Marriage and Family Life Some men are angels in their workpl...


Some years ago it was unthinkable for a girl in secondary school to introduce her boyfriend to her parents BUT today we know better. Times have changed for the better. Life is different: questions can be asked and morality can be challenged. Today in more advanced countries same-sex marriages have no schism with correct morals. Cultures change with time, morals follow suit BUT God's standards remain the same. People want to know what is right or wrong; but can we ever? With this changing moral stands? DON'T ASK YOUR PASTOR if it is right to hug yourselves in courtship; Don't ask your pastor if it right to pay your tithe; Don't ask your pastor if it is right to wear a tattoo... ... Your pastor's response will be based on his perception, cultural reality and denomination he represents. The question of right or wrong must however be answered correctly if we must get to heaven. Heaven is for the righteous and it means a RIGHT standing in Christ. Is Chris...


WHAT WILL YOU SAY? When you give a child something say snacks, he collects it and begins to smack on it immediately. As a good parent, you tell the child "Say thank you." As the child grows you expect the child have imbibed the teaching, so that when he collects anything you expect to hear "thank you". But if he collects and says nothing, the parent asks " what will you say?" Then the child remembers and says "thank you". Soon the child matures and doesn't need reminder again. My conclusion is this, when a man fails to give quality thanks and appreciation to God it is a sign of spiritual immaturity. Let's grow a little more today. GIVE THANKS.

The Embrace

Mustan sat looking out the window as the rain poured from heaven. She had always wanted to dance, jump and scream in the rain like other children did but her mum wouldn't allow it. She decided to give it a try again. "Mum, please can I join the other children in playing outside?" Her mother held her head to her chest and said "Yes dear you may, but only when the rain stops". Mustan let herself out of her mother's embrace to weep in her room. She almost swore not to talk to her mother again for hindering her fun. ....... Does this story relate to you? Have we left the embrace of God because He wouldn't consent to our wish for certain pleasures now? Return now!

The Preacher's Son

||The writer couldn't answer the question at the end of this story, can you?|| A preacher and his son set out to reach new lands with the good news of the gospel. On the journey there were lots of reasons to go back but the preacher encouraged his son that they keep going. Finally they saw a city where Christ had not been preached. The city had a strange rule for strangers; they killed them or enslaved them. Along the routes leading to the city were the bodies of strangers who had been brave enough to spy its secrets. The boy urged his father more fervently that they turn back but he refused. Upon entry they were seized. The father was condemned to death and the son imprisoned. The preacher assured his son that no harm would come to them and that his son remember numerous acts of deliverance from the Bible. Alas! The preacher was killed. The son was locked up with the few prisoners in the city, mainly women. His heart sank deep in sorrow as he sang his father's fav...

The Key And Money Troubles

Mama Segun and Mama Saamu had been friends since Mama Saamu moved into the compound four years ago but that's about to change. "Shameless woman! Thief!! Thief!!" Mama Segun rained curses on her friend as she tied her scarf round her waist. She plunged forward and grabbed her by neck. "You will vomit that money today. Thief!" "That God you always pretend to serve is the One that has exposed you." Mama Segun hit her with her right fist urging her weeping friend to confess. Crowds had gathered outside the house as the elders urged Mama Segun to control herself. That morning she had dropped her key with Mama Saamu as usual and told her expressly not to release her key to anyone but her husband if he returned before her. "Mama Segun, ha!ha!! What happen!!?" Asked the landlord. "Baba thank you o!" "This shameless woman has been the one stealing my money. Today my five thousand is missing and I will not take it easy wi...


Pride is subtle. Many people are plagued by it without even knowing that they are. Pride has destroyed many great relationships and left many giants as dwarfs. I encourage you to kindly note the following, You are probably PROUD if: 1. you find it difficult to say thank you for a service you paid for. 2. you always expect people to greet you first. 3. you are always right. 4. the work is substandard when you are not the one that did it. 5. your goals offer little opportunities to others to grow and develop. Dear friend guard your heart. Shalom.

Four Reasons Why A Christian Woman Should Not Propose to A Man

 "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord." - Proverbs 18:22 A wife is a treasure hidden that every man must find. Those that are favoured of the Lord find these treasures. Of all of God's creations a man can find nothing better than a good wife. For these reasons a woman should not propose: 1. It is against natural/spiritual laws. I agree that men are not superiour to women, but we all would agree that the man is the leader of the home. When a woman takes it upon herself to propose to a man she is simply usurping the leadership position of the man. The man charts the course not the woman! Moreover, it is the responsibility of a man to find and the joy of the woman to be found. What joy would there be for a woman who is the one doing the finding? (Joy I say, not ego!) This is not a fact but cannot be ruled out: "if a woman proposes to a man, he will soon find another he desires". 2. A man who cannot propose is not read...

4 Reasons Why We Share Testimonies

A testimony is a statement of proof or evidence that something actually happened. Testimonies show the facts of the matter at hand, they reveal the truth of the whole matter as told by someone who has first hand experience of what happened and how it happened. Why do we share testimonies? 1. It is an expression of gratitude.  Testimonies show your acknowledgement of God's kindness. It shows that you value what the Lord has done. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus healed ten leppers but only one returned with testimony. The others were ungrateful. When you hide what God has done, you are an ingrate! 2. Sharing testimonies is the number one assignment of disciples . "For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." - Acts 4:20. The only way people will get saved from the destruction that is coming is if someone testified of the Saviour to them. We never would have been saved if the early apostles had kept quiet; your neighbours, friends, loved ones etc ma...


The expectation of the enemy is that one will break down in tears and perplexity when faced by mountains. He employs the weapon of fear to weaken the bones. Brother FEAR NOT! Don't let the size of the mountain shake you. Battles are not won by size nor number, they are won by strategy and power. You have both the strategy and power on Christ Jesus. Don't succumb to the intimidating look of your mountains. Look that mountain in the eye and say to it "I cannot be intimidated!" David defeated Goliath. While the mountain before him was busy cursing and trying to intimidate him, David charged at him and removed his head. Friend it is time to charge! Enough of the insults you receive from these stones. You are a child of God. You have the power! Get your instructions right from above, cast off fear, charge at your mountains, release your slingshot and let God do the rest. Your mountains are coming down today!

The Danger of BUT

The word 'but' stands as a resistance to an aforementioned proclamation. God speaks to all men that are willing to listen. When He speaks it is to bring us good news wrapped in instructions. Experience has shown that God's instructions are not palatable at first sight. Tithe for example is just 10% but many Christians today rationalize it away as irrelevant. When He told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, he would have almost gone erratic. That's how strong God's instructions can be. However, It is dangerous to say 'but' to the instructions of God. Instructions are to be obeyed not debated. Before God speaks He has seen the end, He expects you to follow to the letter what He says because He knows what's best for you. Also we must be careful not to speak negatively concerning God's leading. Don't speak of the storms speak of Him who rides upon the storm. In Numbers 13:27, the spies told Moses and the people that the land they saw was truly flow...

3 Reasons Why You Need Jesus

1. There is an afterlife. Even people that do not believe in God have an unspoken assurance within them that there is an afterlife. In the afterlife there are two destinations, good (heaven) and bad (hell). Jesus is the ONLY way to the good part. 2. There is  war in this life. Everyone is at war! War within, war without, war amongst, war everywhere. The enemy (devil) that we wrestle knows he has limited time to wreck his havoc. Our enemy is relentless and brutal, he has no respect for positions and titles, he works wickedness everyday. The only name he fears is JESUS, you need Jesus to win every war, have rest, peace and lasting victory. 3. Spiritual Fulfilment. Human beings are mere branches to the Tree (God). No matter how hard we try to satisfy ourselves with other things, there is a deep ache in our hearts if we don't have a relationship with God. Jesus is the only fulfilling link to the Father. Jesus is our spiritual lifeblood. If we are ever going shed the spi...

My Neighbour's Righteousness

It is foolishness to weigh your eternal destination based on another man's righteousness. Many times we subconsciously look at another person and say "At least I am better than Mr so so..." On the last day the other man's righteousness will not matter to you because every man will be left to stand alone. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." - 2 Corinthians 5:10

Will You Retaliate?

"... but whosoever shall smite you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." - Matthew 5:39 Ever wondered why the words of Jesus are written in red? I reckon it's so that we can pay close attention. The words of Jesus I have noticed are never easy to swallow. I mean how can someone slap me and I will turn the other cheek? Some scholars have said He was not speaking literally. But when Jesus spoke these words He wasn't speaking in parables He was clear. A Christian is not expected to raise a hand of retaliation. Christ Jesus our leader though a Lion went sheepishly to the slaughter like a lamb. It is IMPOSSIBLE to obey the instructions of Jesus without being full of the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine what will happen if a man suddenly slaps a so called Christian who is 50% Holy Ghost full? Surely he would resoundingly respond. I have looked at this scripture and have asked myself will I retaliate? Look at it also, "... but whosoever shall smite y...

Mistaken Identity

Nothing hurts more than when people take you to be something negative which you are not. If not handled properly it can dry the oil of motivation. Joseph had a DREAM but his brothers mistook him for a DREAMER. They said to one another, "...Behold, this dreamer cometh." (Genesis 37:19) Having a dream is NOT the same as being a dreamer. A dream is an appointment with destiny. A person who has a dream has an appointment that must be fulfilled. A dreamer is a person whose ideas and plans are not practical or based in reality. A dreamer is a joker. He talks about things he has no passion nor commitment to carry out. Joseph's brothers thought he was a dreamer. They were blinded by envy and driven by rage. They mistook their saviour for a serpent and tried to kill him, but God delivered Joseph out of their hands. Don't expect people to accept your dreams, They will call you a dreamer and it will hurt your feelings. They will try to bury your dreams but God will...

No Envy

Human nature always wants to have what others have. A person that is envious is given to and controlled by the urge to possess what others have. If such a person has a wife, he begins to wish his wife was like other women regardless of how lovely she is. What envy does: 1. Envy makes blind. An envious person can not see any good about what he has or who he is. He is blind to his good and wide awake to his faults. 2. Envy initiates negative thinking. An envious person is plagued by bad thoughts particularly towards the person envied. An envious person often unconsciously anticipate bad news for others. 3. Envy provokes violent acts. It can lead to a person physically assaulting another. When a person seeks constantly  to pick a quarrel with you without a cause, it is a strong indication of envy. 4. Envy leads to frustration. Eventually when an envious person cannot meet up to the standard he pursues he becomes permanently depressed. It is even more heart wrenching ...

PASSWORD To God's Heart.

God is our Father and as reasonable children we ought to seek to be in His presence and good books. How can we continually live in harmony with God? Praise:   Is the  expression one's respect and gratitude toward God. God does not joke with praise. He will not share his glory with anyone. If we are to continue to please Him, we must continue to praise Him. When you praise God, do it with all your heart. Give all the glory to God in praises. Adoration : Is the expression of love or admiration towards God. Adoration is a deep feeling of love, you just love Him regardless of whether what you are passing through is favourable or not.  Singing:   There is no doubt that God loves music. Can you image what gathering of believers would be like if we didn't sing? If we are truly desirous of the presence of God, a rich blend of spiritual songs must never be far from our lips. Service: G od is interested in what you can do for Him. It is falsehood to say we can ...

Salvation: What More Can We Ask For?

The soul that sinneth, it shall die.." - Ezekiel 18:20 God has already said what His standard of righteousness is, and almost all men, if not all men, are now aware of God's gracious redemptive package available only the LORD Jesus. God has already given His best to mankind, there is nothing more to give for the salvation of men. In John 3:16, we see that "God so loved the world, that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have e verlasting life." He has already given Himself for us, what more can we demand of Him? The beauty of the price Jesus paid is in the fact that He did not go to the cross to condemn sinners, rather His motive is to save all provided they believe on Him (John 3:17). All He is asking of us is to believe Him. Why do people believe men who have failed them and will still fail them than to believe their maker who has never failed and will never fail them. Sinners will die, belie...

Look-ery, Speak-ery and Touch-ery

‪ You are not likely to get dictionary meaning for them but they are words to be conscious of. LOOK-ERY means to direct your eyes to a particular object or person in other to feed lustful desires. Job was very aware of the dangers of this, he made sure not take chances. He said "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman." (Job 31:1) SPEAK-ERY is to say carefully crafted words that convey a lustful desire. In my first year in the university I saw this in its finest form for the first time, those boys who were in higher levels turned 100 level classes to hunting ground for lustful ambitions. Many were swept away by empty smooth talk. TOUCH-ERY is to deliberately and lustfully make physical contact with someone or something. Preachers that encourage young boys and girls not to so much as hug each other have been termed 'old school' and are going extinct, and the results are clearly visible. For Clarity, LUST is defi...

The Boost your Business Needs

The word of God discourages lazyness and promotes hard work. It says the man that will not work should not eat. Our Father is committed to giving us our daily bread. This He does through the work of our hands. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says "Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.." Jesus is interested in your business because He wants to bless it. Is your business sickly and weakly, call on Jesus today? It wasn't a coincidence that Jesus asked to use Peter's boat after he and his friends had toiled all night and caught nothing. Jesus knew and decided to bless them. Be encouraged today to work your business with renewed hope that Jesus is in your boat and all will be well. When you have done all that you should do like Peter did and the results are not forthcoming, you need the supernatural boost to get results. Listen carefully to what Jesus has to say and do it, even if He says you should cast your net in shallow waters.

Love of this Present World

Why is it that Christians cannot seem to please the world? Everything we do is met by the world's distatste. It's simple, the world loves its own and promotes it. Christian ideals are fast losing popularity in the world, in fact before what you are doing as a Christian can get substantial recognition it must have passed through fire from all quarters. That is why as Christians we should stand firm. Christianity is not of the world, it is from above, and cannot be promoted by the world. When Christians begin to seek approval from the world, destruction becomes imminent. Our testimony is to do the will of the Father not the will of our friends. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing, He did not need the approval of men and didn't seek to please them. Why then should we as faithfuls to the faith not follow our Leader faithfully. In our walk with God and work for Him we must be weary of the dangers of loving the world. Popularity and wealth should never be our motive for ...


"O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together." - Psalm 34:1 In simple terms, to magnify means to make (something) greater. With this definition, this charge becomes difficult. How do you make God bigger? We know God cannot be made larger neither can He reduce in size. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. In Malachi 3:6, He testified of Himself saying "I am the LORD, I change not..." A better definition of the word that fits this context will then be "to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect." The Almighty God deserves our respect, we must not be carried away with the spurious (false) love expressed to God by this generation, He is not fooled by it!. God is to be revered, the Bible says we are to FEAR God and keep His commandments. The availability of grace is not an excuse for dishonour to God. The call to magnify is a call to seriousness with God. We can magnify the LORD in our spirit, soul and body. Someo...

Virginity is a Must!

"Now the birth of Jesus was on this wise: when his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost." - Matthew 1:18 This man and lady were already booked to be married, everyone knew they would but they kept themselves waiting for the acceptable night as it should. Friends let us not be carried away by the signs of this generation, the principles of God still remain the same. These days young girls and boys confidently tell their parents they have boy friends and girl friends, and all the parent says is "be careful o" without pressing further to secure them. Parents let's wake up, the fact that you made a mistake doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to guide your children aright. If anything your children shouldn't make the same mistakes you made. I have heard people say parents shouldn't be over protective, PLEASE BE OVERPROTECTIVE! I don't blame young people for hanging aro...

The Power of Deadlines

It will not be incorrect if we said "life is about accomplishment". When God created all, He looked at it and said it was very good. We as the creature are also expected to take delight in our outcomes. But if we are to get things done at the appreciable time we must harness the tool of deadlines. A deadline is the latest time by which a thing must be done or accomplished. A deadline motivates. When you look at the target date approaching a kind of inner strength comes that propels you to speed up  the progress of your work. If for no other reason you pursue your target in other not to let yourself down. Set a deadline today?

Thriving by Association

"So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran." - Genesis 12:4 One of the cheapest ways to becoming great is by association. It has been said that one can see farther by sitting on the shoulders of great men. That was exactly the case with Lot. The story of Lot began to look promising the moment Terah his grandfather took him, Abraham (his uncle) and Sarah (Abraham's wife) out of Ur to Haran. Terah died in Haran. God spoke to Abraham and he was on the move to a land of promise. The defining moment of Lot's life finally came, he saw Abraham packing up to go to an unknown destination led only by the conviction that God had spoken to him and Lot decided to follow him. That was it, Lot became a generational footprint. Lot followed Abraham and he became great. Sometimes the missing ingredient in man's hunt for greatness is correct association as seen here i...

Grace to Grace

Grace is the touch of God upon a man’s life that turns his ordinary results into supernatural results. Grace saves from disgrace and elevates from the dunghill of life to palace of life. Grace yields more results than hard work can produce. Grace cannot be bought in silver nor gold, neither does it come has a family inheritance. Good works does not qualify you for grace. Grace is an offshoot of God’s divine love. God’s Grace is in Christ alone. Want to know the secret of men of exploits? Find Grace. May the Lord give you more grace this May in Jesus name. Amen.

APPOINTED TIME: The Man Called Time

Revelation 1:8 - "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, saith He, which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." What is time? Time is existence. Only the living can appreciate or know what time is. When death comes, time stops. Time has three phases: Past, Present and Future. But there is One who is time Himself. He is now, He was yesterday and He will be tomorrow. There is no where you find Him that He isn't. We have heard it said that no man can change the past, this Man can. He can make old things pass away like they never occurred. He is able to change records, He is the Almighty. Psalms 31:15 says "My times are in thy hands..." Whether you acknowledge Him or not, your times are in His hand. Note it says TIMES not TIME. Everything you were, are and will be is in His hands. He alone has the power to release your appointed time. Abraham probably would have died without a Isaac if He did not entertain the Man that issued the pro...

APPOINTED TIME: Power to be Discreet

What you do and/or say before your showing forth determines the quality of your showing forth. Luke 1:8 tells us of the upbringing of John the Baptist, "The child grew and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing forth to Israel." Jesus testified later about John that he was the greatest of all born men yet this man was groomed in the desert before his appointed time. This generation needs to learn about being discreet. A woman learns she is three weeks pregnant and immediately calls her friends, this ought not be! The appointed time is a period of great hope that must not fail. There are many forces that desire to contend with man's appointed time, don't give them a head start in your life. Joseph had a dream of a destined period of appointment that would manifest years later but he couldn't close his mouth. Joseph did not need to be enslaved to be enthroned but he failed to be discreet. It is an error to start blowi...


"Faith without works is dead". Prayer without works is mere exercise. The blessings of God are pronounced upon us in fellowship with Him (in prayers) but they are manifested when we work. The harvest will rotten in the field no matter how bountiful if the farmer does not go to reap it in. We all have a major role to play if our appointed time must come as it shall. Yesterday we noted that anything we accept as the will of God will maintain its course. To produce a desirable change we must CRY OUT. We must be aware of the fact that anchoring the release of the appointed time of our breakthrough on God alone is a pointer to a sense of irresponsibility. The appointed time will not materialize unless you DO SOMETHING. Exodus 3 chronicles the conversion between God and Moses. God had heard the cry of the Isrealities and He purposed to send the man Moses. Note that every move of God on the earth is always tied to a human vessel. God will not literally come down to bring a c...


The appointed time is synonymous with answers, joy and testimony. When the appointed time comes nothing else matters, all that you see and experience is the release of joy and pride of victory. Yesterday we noted that God never delays. Our God is not the architect of delay. He doesn't want any of His children to groan in pain of unanswered prayers. BUT THERE IS AN APPOINTED TIME... Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" God is meticulous in His dealings He has made provision for seedtime and harvest, and these shall not fail (Genesis 8:22). HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE APPOINTED TIME? The appointed time (the day of harvest) is ALWAYS HERALDED by a desperate cry for help. When a person realizes that his time ought to have come and it hasn't then it is time to act. A woman carries a baby patiently for 9 months but by the 12th month (if the baby has not been born) it becomes clear...

APPOINTED TIME: Waiting on God?

A rational human being desires to do great things within the limited time given to all of us on earth. There is so much joy in accomplishment that it can make any man forget the sorrows of the past. But what happens when man's desire is delayed? Pain comes, terrible pain that sometimes is unbearable. It is not the joy of God to withhold any good from His children. No matter how much we love ourselves, God loves us more. As much as we desire good for ourselves God does so even more. It grieves the mind of God to see His children cry out under the yoke of under accomplishment. He created us for EXPLOITS not to be exploited. Jesus said in Matthew 7:9-11 " Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!…" ...

Preach Jesus

You listen to some preachers and you are gripped with terrible fear. All one thinks about is what the devil can do, what hell will be like etc (This shouldn't be!) The gospel is to make you SEE JESUS not the devil. SEE HEAVEN not hell. The mind works on what it hears. When a preacher keeps hammering on the dangers of hell and not on the love of Christ, the congregation see fear and not salvation. Sooner or later they out grow their fear and then it becomes dangerous living since they have been taught too little about the One they should have been focusing on. What was God's motive for giving us Jesus? It's LOVE! "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 Why did God do it? LOVE! (We shouldn't emphasize death over life(love)]. The result of His love is salvation from sin and death. The dangers of hell (though dreadful and true) is not t...


We all know the conclusion of The Preacher "Vanity of vanities; all is vanity". What made this wise rich man reach this conclusion? (You'd have to read Ecclesiastes and more to get your own answer). My attempt to answer the question: Man is born. Man gets an education. Man gets a job or starts a viable business. Man gets married, have children. Man grows old and die. (A few people live their lives to bless others and some even have legacies that bless generations. They are immortalised and their good deeds become encouragement for many.) That's a typical life. But all the good works we do here will be nothing if we do not make it to heaven. It is better not be born than to be born and not make it to heaven. Life with all its glories is VANITY without Jesus. Ecclesiastes 1:3 says "What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?" I will make heaven in Jesus name. You will make it too.

Parents and Preferences

Have you heard your children call one of them MUMMY'S/DADDY'S PET? ... One thing you shouldn't do as a parent is to show preference for one child over another or over the others as the case may be. And it is not as easy as it looks. It is not about buying the same things for all children ( though that helps). It is about looking all your children in the eyes and feeling the same warmth of heart. Human beings are made to have preferences. Food preference, clothing preference, people preference etc. This means we will have to swim against the tides to love all children in exactly the same way event though they have varied capabilities. It is even more difficult when one child is significantly 'better' than the others. Then you will really need God's help. REMEMBER! Abraham loved Isaac, Isaac loved Esau, Jacob loved Joseph, Joseph loved Manasseh (I think), And the list goes on. These men are examples of faith but couldn't hide their prefere...

Enemies and Allies

Everyman has enemies. Not matter how good or peaceable a person is, he would still have enemies. Even the good that man does infuriates his enemy. All men have enemies. And we all have in common at least one enemy, which is the devil. One of the strategies of winning in any warfare is to have a powerful and dependable ally. When your ally is stronger than your enemy the battle is as good as won. All men have allies. And we all have in common at least one ally, which is GOD. But your ally is only useful to you if you are in good terms and he is willing to stand by you. Your number one ally, God Almighty, will continue to work in your favour if your ways please Him. Proverbs 16:7 says "when a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." Your enemy (human or spirit) has no choice but to surrender if your ways please God. It is God that will MAKE your enemy to surrender if you are in His good books. You need not fight nor worry ...

Keep your Tongue!

'Whosoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble" Proverbs 21:23 (ESV) 1. It is not every matter you should lend your voice to. Wisdom demands that you should not speak unless you have to. When you speak concerning every issue, you will soon discover that your words will carry less importance. 2. It is unwise to express your opinion when you are angry. This often leads one to saying things one would regret. In moments of anger a person will release facts that ought to be buried. The best thing to do when you are angered is to keep quiet and sin not! 3. Your words will save you or enslave you. This demands that you should be aware of the consequences of your words. Under no circumstances should you tell a lie. A lie expands and brings worse repercussion than the fear it tried to avert. Keep your tongue from lies. 4. Speak pure. Sometimes the trends change in favour of diry talk, don't join in. A lot of people are swearing and cursing as they sp...

What do you think?

The soldiers thought Christians were insane following a Man who died on the cross like a common criminal. Their thinking must have been: If this Jesus were anything special He would definitely have rescued Himself from their shame coated stripes and eventual death on that rugged cross. Their thinking was flawlessly misguided. Jesus showed how special He IS by enduring the shame and pain of their stripes. He showed that He is beyond special by dying on that cross and He proved that He is God by rising on the third day. Today some still think Christians are insane going about preaching the love of God, which is made available for free to the world through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What do you think? #Easter


Your facial expression tells us many things about what is going on in your heart. It is difficult to separate a man's countenance from what he feels. A happy face is associated with good times and a sad face equates bad times. But we know life is full of ups and downs, it is our ability to control these ups and downs that make us win in life. We  should control life, life shouldn't control us. A consistently happy countenance is a clear sign of maturity and trust in God. A happy face doesn't necessarily mean one has no challenges, it shows rather that one trusts God absolutely and doesn't see any challenge to be bigger than Him.  Nehemiah 2:1 tells us something deep about the character of Nehemiah: "And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him: and I took up the wine, and gave it unto the king. NOW I HAD NOT BEEN BEFORETIME SAD IN HIS PRESENCE." Nehemiah was a captive, a prisoner, a sl...

Is it right to be angry at God?

There are many things that we do not understand about God yet that doesn't stop Him from being God. Why would go allow certain things to happen when He knows that it would hurt us sore? Normally we trust God and we know He has supreme authority, added to this we know God is good all the time. This makes it even more puzzling to know that God watched on while the undesirable happened. When bad things happen to good people there seems to be a silent justification for the persecuted to be angry at God. In such a state, the individual who knows certainly that he can't beat God decides to ignore Him or offend Him. If the person chooses the ignore option, he boycotts church, refuses to pray, neglects his Christian devotion and basically avoid anything in the semblance of God. If it is the offend option, such goes back to forsaken sin or/and new ones. In a bid to show God that they are annoyed they deliberately do things that are displeasing to Him. But is anyone ever justif...

10 FACTS About Mistakes

1. Everyone has made one before. I am yet to come across any individual who is yet to have at least a dozen. 2. It is part of learning. Only a foolish person learns nothing from a mistake. 3. It is a painful reminder that you are not perfect. This should spur you to rely more on the Perfect One - Jesus. 4. It brings temporary pain that births correct future decisions. Again this applies to the wise. 5. It makes one's success story sweet. This is why you mustn't allow a mistake to destroy you. 6. Ignoring, defending or justifying it is an act of cowardice. Admit it when you make one and make amends. 7. The fear of it deprives one of a lot of good. Don't let fear of making mistakes stop you from doing the good you should. 8. God doesn't make mistakes. You may not understand His ways but don't stop trusting Him. 9. Frequent mistakes is a sign of irresponsibility. If you are making same mistakes again and again it means you are not taking your life se...

Tomorrow Will Be Alright

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 TOMORROW WILL BE ALRIGHT Have you been disappointed for the umpteenth time? Perhaps you are fed up of the struggles of daily living and ready to quit? Cheer up! Help is on the way. There are times that life throws one into a dark tunnel and there is  no hope of seeing light. It is at such times that one is tempted to give up on life, one's self and God. But it is also the time to prove that one is not a failure. Trials and challenges of life are to make us stronger, they aren't designed to kill us. The fact that you cannot see the light doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. If you are in a deep tunnel right now I challenge you to find the light because it is there. Today might be dim and tomorrow may look bleak but don't give up, your tomorrow will be alright. The sweetest part ...